

This package was tested for Python 3.7 - 3.11 on ubuntu, macos and windows. It depends on the kmedoids python package. If you are using windows or macos, you may need to first install Rust/Cargo with:

conda install -c conda-forge rust

If this does not work, please try to install Cargo from source:

git clone
cd cargo
cargo build --release

For further information on the kmedoids package, please visit this page.

All other required packages are automatically installed if installation is done via pip.

Install Options#

The installation of the package is done via pip. Note: if you are using conda, first install pip with: conda install pip.

PyPI install:

pip install fgclustering

Installation from source:

git clone
  • Installation as python package (run inside directory):

    pip install .
  • Development Installation as python package (run inside directory):

    pip install -e . [dev]